Three weeks of impatient waiting, but it's finally there: My BITW Manual shirt from Top Rope Tuesday.
The Shirt
Last time, I ordered my shirt in S, but this time I wanted it a tad bigger and so I ordered it in M; a wise choice as it seems slightly tighter than a European M. Contrary to my "Indies" shirt, the BITW shirt is made of a thinner fabric though, and the print is thinner as well if not by far as prominent as the "Indies" one. If it's the same quality as the other shirt, washing it in the machine will be no problem though. I will still be careful since the print consists of a lot narrow lines, and I really don't want them to break.The motive looks like it could be taken out of one of your old biology books. CM Punk's very detailed silhouette in the middle is completed with diverse features that lead to a description of his most famous moves like the Anaconda Vice or the GTS. Thanks to the heading and the BITW logo it could also be taken from a more technical manual though. My favourite little detail is - of course - the Pipebomb part of the manual.
The Shop
My second order from Top Rope Tuesday and sadly this time I had to wait over three weeks to finally get it. Not the shop's fault though, I completely blame Germany's customer duty for this!I talked about the specialty of this t-shirt and merchandise ship in my last review already, but since then, a few things changed that I would like to add. While most shirts are still available for one week only, so-called "classic" shirts can be ordered for $ 19,99, slightly higher than the weekly shirts' prices (for example CM Wolverine). Other selected shirts are available for the same price at Barber Shop Window (for example Moonsault). Sadly, not all old shirts are still available via these options, but at least some can be purchased for the higher price this way. Still, it's more than highly suggested by me to purchase them while they are officially available in the shop.
Unfortunately for me, the oh so desired "Push Cesaro" shirt is neither a classic shirt, nor available at Barber Shop Window.