Many injuries and other hindrances had led to quite some changes in a card that was already missing a few of the usual fan-favorites and residential NEW talents. And yet, Pride and Honor was a show that made up for this by presenting great matches, stars in their top form, and an atmosphere worthy of any big sports entertainment show!
The evening started with Stefan Matern's usual Program to examine whether the "NEW Universe" was ready for the debut of the Pride and Honor show - and of course it was!
What followed was a promo from the Arabian speaking Hakem bin Azem Wakuur bin al-Sultan. The Arabian Star would face a till then unknown opponent later on, the loser of the match having the questionable honor of being the number one entry in the next show's name giving Snakepit Match under Royal Rumble rules. What The Arabian Star said though was a mystery to all the non-Arabian speaking members of the NEW Hot Spot - aka everyone.
Ken Floyd vs. Johann Schuster vs. Juvenile X - Triple Threat Match
The first match was a Triple Threat match between three cruiser weight wrestlers. Ken Floyd, a new face, already left a quite doubtful imprint with his text marker-colored gear and questionable attitude. High flying Johann Schuster and Deadline Ladder Match winner Juvenile-X were clearly the fan favorites in this match.
Ken Floyd
Johann Schuster
Juvenile-X with Manager Walandi
It was an easy pick for Schuster and Juvenile-X to combine their talent against Floyd who tried to flee the ring and beg for a time out. But there is no time out in a NEW match, and quickly, the match picked up speed. On many one-on-one situations, Floyd had to deal with either Schuster or Juvenile-X until the two NEW wrestlers had to give up the short phase of teaming up and go against each other as well.
In the end, it was the interference of manager Walandi who helped to provide the victory to Deadline winner Juvenile-X. Pulling Schuster's legs away from under the young man with the help of a towel,he couldn't completely fight back into the game anymore, and Juvenile-X eventually held Floyd down long enough for the referee to count to three.
"Sir" Eric vs. BAM
In the following match, the former apprentice of Big Brother Steve faced technician BAM. The match hadn't even started, when Eric attacked BAM from behind - all under the watchful eyes of Big Brother Steve.
Pascal "Sigi" Signer | "Sir" Eric
BAM | Big Brother Steve is wacthing you
Despite his former mentor's ringside presence, Eric showed himself smug and confident, playing with his opponent and the crowd more than usual. Yet, it wasn't enough to get the victory, BAM being the one holding him down for the 3-count in the end.
Interview with Tommy Blue Eyes
Afterwards, Stefan Matern welcomed Tommy Blue Eyes to the ring for an interview. There wasn't much time passing before an enraged or rather completely maniac Eric Jaschke ran down the ramp in a torn referee's shirt, attacking the young high flyer, leaving him battered and down on the mat before leaving again. Unable to get up again by himself, Matern called for an official to help Tommy to get backstage again, but who appeared on the scene next to Pascal Signer was none other than Eric Jaschke - this time in a non-ragged shirt.Confusion spread among the crowd and the men involved while the currently suspended referee checked on Tommy Blue Eyes and finally helped him to go back up the ramp. Disturbing scenes featuring a Jaschke with an obviously split personality.
The Arabian Star vs. Mike Skull
Again, The Arabian Star made his way to the ring, this time to compete. Awaiting his opponent and substitute for injured Scotty Saxxon, an uproar went through the crowd when Matern announced who would face Hakem. It was none other than a returning and bigger than ever Mike Skull! Even though his words were incomprehensible, it was pretty obvious that The Arabian Star wasn't too happy to face the bald-headed powerhouse.It had been some time since The Arabian Star had faced such a tough opponent, Skull wearing him down with powerful and solid moves. Fighting back, Hakem wasn't ready to give up just like that, but in the end he had to accept his defeat and thus becoming the number one entry for the name-giving match in the upcoming Snakepit show.
Thank you V.I.P!
What had been indicated over the past shows, and got more and more veryfied via messages in the NEW Hot Spot Facebook Group, finally became reality at Pride and Honor. Mr. NEW, the first and two time NEW Champion V.I.P stepped into the ring to have a talk with the NEW audience, talking about his past with the company, how he literally helped to build it up, and that - to the big dismay of all his fans - everything had to come to an end. Under standing ovations and deepest signs of respect, V.I.P wished the NEW good-bye.His long time opponent Adrian Severe joined the former champion in the ring and in mutual respect, the two men left their long feud behind. More colleagues joined V.I.P in the ring, among them the big boss of NEW: Alex Wright.
Under applause and chants V.I.P wanted to leave again, but Georg "Schorschi" Gwärch coaxed V.I.P to accept his challenge for one last match. Not many eyes stayed dry during this segment that was, above all, one thing: filled with dedication and respect!
V.I.P | Alex Wright
Ca$h Cra$h vs. Cruel Agility vs. T-K-O
Coming down the ramp and into the ring, the Swiss feather weight Ca$h Cra$h already split the crowd in half. Some love him, others hate him. The reactions for his two opponents in this Triple Threat Match was more clear: Cruel Agility, despite rather face-like behavior, still raises boos throughout the Hot Spot while T-K-O is the one to cheer for.
Ca$h Cra$h | Cruel Agility
Business as usual when you're in the ring together with Ca$h Cra$h. All "benevolent" he yielded to Cruel Agility, capitalizing when the masked high flyer had worn T-K-O down. But the former Tag Team partner of Juvenile X didn't let the rather one-sided team work get to him, fighting back as usual: with technical and perfectly executed moves.
In the end, there stood one thing between T-K-O and victory: Walandi. The former manager walked down the ramp, seemingly interested in the match but keeping his distance. That was enough to get T-K-O's attention though - and cost him his concentration and the match as Cruel Agility took the opportunity of this interruption to get the 3-count.
Georg "Schorschi" Gwärch vs. V.I.P
After the break, it was time for the supposedly last match of V.I.P against the Frankonian Schorschi. But a match that began with standing ovations for the leaving superstar ended, literally, with blood.
In a brawl outside the ring half way through the match, Schorschi suffered from an injury on his forehead which colored his face red in an instant. Yet, V.I.P didn't slow down, quite the contrary. Beating down on his bleeding opponent again and again, he finally got disqualified. Not letting go of Schorschi in the ropes, the referee announced the victory for the Frankonian after the 5-count, yet the one standing tall in the ring was V.I.P. And he had something additionally to say as well. Namely that he was fed up with doing everything to please the masses and having the fans cheer.
The V.I.P the audience knew surely left the NEW, but the way the new V.I.P made his "debut" left everyone with goose bumps, excited rapture, or speechless indignation - but surely with some extreme feelings.
Felix Reiter & Boombastic vs. The Red Rage & Mr. Exotic Erotic
In the tag team match for the night, the team of aggressive Felix Reiter and German wrestling veteran Boombastic faced the clear fan favorites The Red Rage and Mr. Exotic Erotic - a match in which the fan reactions were as clear as they hadn't been throughout the whole show so far. Especially the fan-interactions between the NEW Hot Spot crowd and Red Rage added some more degrees to the already heated up arena.
Felix Reiter | Boombastic
The Red Rage | Mr. Exotic Erotic
At the beginning, the match was rather evened out, but after a while, the heel team of Reiter and Boombastic retorted to the well known tag team trick of wearing one of their opponents down and preventing a tag. Victim in this case was The Red Rage who still managed to keep his head and shoulders up to not let the 3-count cause his team to lose.
Endurance pays out, and once Red Rage managed to tag in his partner, Mr. Exotic Erotic put an end to the other team's dominance, getting the win for his own.
Interview with Jessy Jade
After Stefan Matern's interview with Jessy Jade got interrupted during the last show in faor of a disturbing stalker video, Pride and Honor should pose a new platform to let the first Lady of the NEW speak. And again, the young Austrian talent couldn't say anything as a supposedly live video of someone calling a phone appeared on the tron. Jessy's phone rang and after seeing the incoming caller ID, she broke down in the ring, hurrying to make her way out of the arena afterwards.What madness is this?
"Jessy, I love you (forever)"
Adrian Severe vs. Mexx - NEW Championship Match
The main event of the evening was surely a match many many fans have been waiting for. The former friends and tag team partners Adrian Severe and Mexx faced each other in a match for the prestigious NEW Championship. Mexx had won the belt at Deadline in a match that was supposed to be a Triple Threat. After attacking Severe even before the match started, the Austrian powerhouse took the title from V.I.P in a singles match instead.
Mexx | Adrian Severe
Not that I've been writing that much about the matches anyway, but this match simply can't be put in words to really make someone who hasn't been there understand the sheer epicness of this encounter. Mexx and Severe are definitely the first men of the NEW, mixing up high risk top rope maneuvers with grappling moves, and the display of sheer and brute strength.
Half-way through the match, the two top athletes were joined by Walandi and his client Juvenile-X who, after winning the Deadline Tournament, has the chance to cash in his Deadline briefcase for any match he desires - which could, of course, possibly be a championship match for the NEW Championship title.
Despite those visitors, the match ended with a regular pinfal without any interference, Mexx being the one who held the allround-talent Severe down for the 3-count.
All pictures can - as always - be seen in the Slideshow.