The fans on twitter

They will always be there, and they will always behave like this: the fans we don't like. It doesn't matter which superstar they support, or what gender they have, they are annoying like hell.
Desperate cries for attention, a reply, a fave, a block even... How could anyone disrespect another person that much to purposely get blocked by them? And be proud of it? Congratulations, you harassed a professional wrestler to the point he or she doesn't want you to show up in her mention anymore. You surely are a special kind of cookie...
Yes, those people's job is it to provide us entertainment, but that doesn't allow you to demand things, stalk them, even harass and insult them! It's great that our stars decided to interact with us on such a public platform, but there are always people that abuse this privilege, poking their nose out and spamming their mentions every time one of the WWE stars shows their face on their time line.

Respect, people! The keyword to any interaction is respect, even if you think you know those gals and guys so well just because you see them every week on the television screen.
I am surely not saying that everyone is like that. My time line is filled with great people, respectful and dedicated fans! But haven't we all come across these kind of people?

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