Thoughts on Wrestlers

Thoughts on Ted DiBiase?
I have to admit that I didn't really pay attention to him. It kind of irked me that he was often reduced to be nothing more than his fathers son, following footsteps that seemed a bit too big for him at the time. The whole DiBiase Posse gimmick was anything but appealing to me. I give him credit for his time with Legacy, yet I fear that from the three of them he was the one least entertaining and charismatic. He has some solid in ring skills, but he he simply doesn't draw me in. From what I have seen from him outside the ring, he is a very respectable man though, even I can't understand why you would present your child in public like that. I guess he is just very proud of his little sunshine. But all in all, he never really caught my interest.

Thoughts on Axel? :)
In all honesty, I was never really interested in him when he was still at NXT, in the Nexus, or running around as Michael McGillicutty. I saw him live a couple of times on the European tour, and while he is quite solid in the match, he has a quite limited repertoire he (is allowed to?) show(s). In my eyes, he also lacks charisma and mic skills. As for his push, it was just way to fast from jobbing to other jobbers in the house shows to becoming the Intercontinental Champion. I feel like WWE is pushing him down my throat way too violently. I simply don't buy it all because he never really had a development.

Thoughts on Punk? He means the world to me
I think I touched that in my last answer already, but I love to elaborate on him. Especially after watching the DVD/Blu-Ray, even if you don't like him you should respect for what he has achieved, where he comes from, what he had to go through, and where he is now. If only half of the stuff is true, he is one of the most dedicated wrestlers in the whole god damn business! His talent in the ring and on the mic cannot be overseen. He is entertaining and I can see that he can be very inspirational for other people, especially younger ones. Plus, with his whole Straight Edge lifestyle, he is a great role model! Besides, I have a foible for men with tattoos who listen to the same music as I do.

Thoughts on Taker?
I liked Taker a lot when I was younger. His gimmick, his whole appearance is simply fascinating! By now, I fear that he got way too old to still compete. You have to respect that he still steps into the ring, and you have to respect what he does for younger talents a lot (especially backstage), but I think it is time for him to retire in dignity. He will never be forgotten, great man and performer he was!

Thoughts on Rob Van Dam?
I loved him back when he was at WWE but stopped following his career at TNA. I always deemed him very creative and spectacular in ring, and his matches were just fun to watch and very entertaining. I met him once, but never had the possibility to really talk to him, so I can't say anything about that.
I am a little doubtful about his return though. I was really really psyched at first, but now I fear that he could become a second Rock. :(
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