
Justin Gabriel quit WWE

Today, after some time that I haven't blogged in, I blog on a rather sad note. Not many will understand, but whatever.

The Wrestling Observer reported that, sometime over the weekend, Paul Lloyd Jr. - better known as Justin Gabriel - quit his work situation with WWE. It comes surprising, on one hand, and yet kind of expected on the other.

Justin Gabriel had been a participant in the very first season of NXT, together with Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, and the man that's now known as Ryback. He has been part of The Nexus as well as The New Nexus and The Corre, and teamed together with Heath Slater (being two times Tag Team Champions with him), Tyson Kidd, and The Usos.
He also stared in the first season of Total Divas and was overall known as a very fan-friendly wrestler.

I had had the opportunity to meet him back in 2012 in Zürich, and he was... What can I say, he was gold. Friendly, chatty, and just an overall sweet guy. I liked him, in the ring and behind the microphone - even though many say he doesn't show any charisma on the mic.

Yet, what had happened to him in the past years should have been some kind of indication of his parting. It took me as a surprise, actually, that he hadn't been among those wrestlers that were fired by WWE last year. Being mistreated and not used to his full potential must have been frustrating.
Now, he took the one obvious consequence and quit.

And yet, I can't help but see the positive side of this. In my eyes, WWE lost a lot of it's potential, influence, and flair it had held over the last years, gradually yet also drastically. Thus, maybe Lloyd left a sinking ship just in time.
From interviews and from seeing him in the ring at least in earlier years, his passion for wrestling will not subside. My hopes, and predictions, for him is to find a place in another promotion, one that is able to appreciate his high flying talent. The first that jumps to mind for me aren't TNA or ROH though, but Lucha Underground.
for a few weeks, we've been following this promotion now, and it looks more than promising! Former WWE talent have found their spot there, like Chavo, John Morrison, or Ezekiel Jackson (all, with the exception of Chavo, under new names). Why shouldn't a high flyer like Lloyd find his way into a promotion that rewards talented wrestlers, especially when they have a passion for top rope wrestling?

I will keep my eyes and ears open!

Edit: So, according to WWE, he was released. Don't know if I'm buying it.

Edit: Seems like he doesn't stay unemployed for long! PWS already announced him as being a part of their Frozen Fallout event - under the name PJ Black.


I stumbled across this hashtag - just like everyone else, I think - on twitter, and thought that I could do that. Wrestling related, of course!
So, what are the 20 things I want to see happen in 2015 when it comes to wrestling - personal wishes, WWE, and European Indie wrestling included.
20. Advance in my training
As I have mentioned before, I started training wrestling myself. It has been a great experience so far, and I do not only have the biggest respect for our trainer (Marshal T, look him up), but also really like all the guys I'm training with. They're an awesome, exciting, and motivated bunch, and I love butting heads and exchanging Clotheslines and Chops with them!
I think I'm on a good way already, but I am eager to get even better, get even fitter, stay fit, and master more advanced moves and maneuvers! And that is what I will do in 2015! Which also means fitness studio, a more healthy diet, and lotsa fresh air.
19: Get The Ascension action figures
I know many people don't understand my obsession with this former NXT now WWE tag team, but some things don't have to be explained. Thus, one of the things I want in 2015 is their action figures! I once heard a rumor that they are already in the making (?) and I really need them to complete my collection. A double pack would be great, thank you! Saving money and all. ;)
18: Get an autograph from Karsten Beck
Three times. Three times I have seen him in 2014, and at no occasion I managed to get an autograph from him! 2015 will get me a Karsten Beck autograph, if he wants to or not (the latter is much more likely though...). Würger von Wesel? I'm out to get you!
17: Total Diva gets canceled
I have never been a fan of this show, and in my eyes, it ruined the so called Diva's division even more. Alongside with the reputation and career of many of it's participants! It's about time that !E and WWE stop burying Natalya and Tyson Kidd this way!
16: No more Authority at WWE
Not only did they jaded but the gimmick runs more than old by now. It seems like The Authority is a last minute solution for all the things WWE's creatives couldn't find a better end for. Or are they actually thinking they are being "original" with interrupting every story line with Triple H and his wife shoving their faces into the camera?
Fresh minds, more creative thinking, and the people in the top spots making way for younger and more deserving talent would be great in 2015!
15: Natalya or Alicia Fox become Diva's champion
What this division needs to prevent it's ultimate downfall (if that's even possible) is a legit champion. This role can't be taken by anyone but Natalya or Alicia Fox, at least not in my eyes. Okay, maybe even Naomi. But what's going on there right now is ridiculous. A siblings fight that resolves in the bigger chested one winning the title and falling into Tyson Kidd's arms? Was this kind of material even too bad for Total Divas?
Why not AJ Lee, you ask? Read on.
14: AJ Lee retires out of her own free will
First things first: I like her. Now, proceed.
What else is there for her to achieve in WWE, really? She currently is the longest raining Diva's championess, and held the title twice already. Or even more times? I lost count. She was a GM, had an (almost) on screen wedding, and has been through multiple (better and worse) story lines. In this company, there is nothing she could get anymore - despite disrespected.
It will be a shame to see her go, but I think it would be best for her before WWE completely buries her. Concentrating on other things, wrestling for other promotions, or using her fame to help others and do good could be the next step for the woman that managed to "tame" CM Punk.
13: Attend the wXw 16 Carat Gold Tournament
Why? Because:

  • Chris Sabin
  • Uhaa Nation
  • Marty Scurll and
  • Saša Keel!
That's why! Besides, I heard a bit about World's Cutest Tag Team (Joey Ryan & Candica Lerea) so far, and they will be there, so why not check them out first hand.
12: Tyson Kidd gets a fair chance
He is talented, and over the years I only see him being misused, whether it was on NXT or WWE's main roster. Admittedly, he had great matches in NXT, but rarely gets any credit for them. Why is really beyond me. After destroying his image with Total Divas, the least the WWE could do is giving him a fair chance for once! Tyson has the skills and the talent, and even though I enjoy the teaming up with Cesaro, he needs to be recognized by himself - and not as Nattie's husband.
11: Felix Reiter gets more prestigious matches
Talking of NEW here. The man has it all: charisma, skills, talent, passion, the looks, the gimmick... I want to see him in more "important" singles matches in 2015, and not only playing second fiddle in some tag team match. I mean, lets be honest here, he steals the show anyway!
10: Meet Chris Hero
So many times, Hero has been to Switzerland and at wXw, I can't believe I still haven't seen or met him. I really hope and wish that, in 2015, I will get the chance to meet him at an European event.
09: Sami Zayn debuts
Why he is still held back is something I can't understand. Didn't WWE learn from the Daniel Bryan phenomenon? Yes, wrestlers of a smaller, more lean build can become big stars as well, you only have to give them a chance. The people love Zayn, he's NXT champion, he has traveled the world, and he is crazy charismatic and talented. Give him a chance - a real chance - in the main roster, and Sami Zayn will slay! He deserves to play with the big boys, finally.
08: Bad Bones stays wXw Shotgun Champion
He's the Best in Europe for a reason, and that's why Bad Bones John Klinger will keep the wXw Shotgun Title for as long as possible. At least during the first half of the year.
07: NEW Extreme will slay
I've never been the Wrestlemania girl, so to speak, because other PPVs always had me way more stoked than the so-called event of the year. Money in the Bank, for example. Even though my absolute favorite will always be the Royal Rumble.
That's why I don't see NEW's Hoch Explosiv as the event of the year anyway. For me, this spot is taken by Extreme. That's why I am very excited for the hardcore event in May already.
06: Matt Sydal comes to Germany
Just because WWE fired him doesn't mean I have forgotten who was once my favorite high flyer. My hope for 2015 is that he will come to Germany, either to visit NEW or wXw, and I will finally see him live and have the possibility to meet him.
05: Saša Keel wins the wXw Unified Word Wrestling Championship
To be honest, I don't see the appeal Big Daddy Walter apparently has to people. Neither speaking of charisma, nor of his in ring skills. In my eyes, he doesn't hold a candle to the likes of Absolute Andy and Bad Bones. Thus, I want to see someone else climbing to the top of the wXw food chain, and that's none other than the Croatian Saša Keel. He is the full package of talent and mic skills, so please, I need to see some gold around his waist.
Admittedly, I am biased here, but he's just... zauberhaft!
04: The Ascension get their old gimmick back
I can't imagine how anyone could like this red triangle or that Lady Gaga inspired eye of Horus make up. Actually, in my opinion, it's rather degrading. This is not the 90's anymore. It's something else if the Uso brothers wear face paint, due to their heritage, but this? Is ridiculous. Thus, going back to the NXT gimmick is something that would suit Konnor and Viktor way more.
Or, why not reach for the stars: Give them the old sinister and more Underworld styled gimmick back.
03: Adrian Severe wins the NEW World Heavyweight Championship
Many will hit me now, especially because he has been champion already, but in my eyes, Adrian Severe deserves another title run.
Undoubtedly, he is one of the best talents in NEW, in the whole German speaking area, and maybe even across that border. There are others waiting in line to get their hands on NEW gold, but I want to see the title around Adrian's waist once more before the likes of T-K-O and Mike Skull get their chance.
02: See Thumbtack Jack in action at SOW again
2014, I had the chance to meet him twice, so why not hope for more in 2015?
This man has charisma that blows you away. In one minute, he has the audience wrapped around his skilled fingers, the next they hate him with all their heart. With his GM job at SOW, I really hope that I get to see his despicable yet perfect face in action again.
01: Cesaro gets the push he deserves
This is my biggest wish for 2015! When it comes to wrestling, that is. 2014 started out great with him winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, but then? Everything went downhill. And I don't understand or see why. Because he is "too European"? Because Vince McMahon doesn't see his talent? I don't care what the reasons are, it should be changed!
I'm not saying give him a championship title - maybe the European, if they bring it back - but I say: treat him right and the way he deserves! Or at least give him back to us and let him come to Europe again.

I'm back & The year 2014

It has been pretty silent here, I know, and there have been several reasons for that.

One is that I found work and rarely found the time to write anymore. It happened that I worked over 10 hours a day, and the weekends were filled with travelling and - you guessed it - wrestling.

The second is that I decided to step back from WWE wrestling. Several happenings lead me to lose faith in the future of this company, draining my interest for RAW, SmackDown, and the PPVs alike. The only show I still follow is NXT.

But now, my work situation has quieted down, and I am ready to come back! Especially since I think that the European leagues and smaller wrestling shows deserve attention as well! Plus, guess who's an aspiring wrestler herself by now: that's right, your humble author!

So, that's all about me, lets go on to my end of the year resumé - wrestling-style!
Shows I visited
  • NEW
    • May 3rd - Extreme 3
    • July 6th - Deadline II
    • August 2nd - Pride and Honor
    • September 6th - Snakepit
    • October 4th - Hoch Explosiv IV
    • November 8th - Only the Strongest
  • SWE
    • May 31st - Turbulence
    • October 17th - King of Switzerland
    • December 6th - Rage 4 Glory
  • wXw (CZW, BJW)
    • October 3rd - World Triangle League 2014
    • November 9th - Hate's Sunday Bloody Sunday
  • WWE
    • May 17th - European Tour Innsbruck (Hotel only)
Wrestlers I met
  • WWE
    • Sami Zayn, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, Cesaro, Alicia Fox, Dolph Ziggler
  • International Wrestlers
    • Drew Gulag, Uhaa Nation, Zack Sabre Jr., DJ Hyde, David Hart Smith, Rich Swann, Shane Strickland
    • Martin Casaus
    • El Ligero, Shanna, Chris Andrews, Marty Scurll
  • German/Swiss Wrestlers
    • Adrian Severe, Marius Al-Ani, Mexx, Demolition Davies, Scotty Saxxon, Hate, Miguel Ramirez, Saša Keel
  • "Bad Bones" John Klinger, Absolute Andy, Karsten Beck
  • Pascal Spalter
  • Alexander Bedranowski aka Thumbtack Jack
Most impressive Wrestlers 2014
  1. Adrian Severe - This man! What can I say. He's perfect! The perfect mixture of high flying and high risk moves, and sheer power and strength. You have missed out if you haven't seen him in the ring!!!
  2. Rich Swann - Watch his "30 Top Moves of Rich Swann" video on YouTube! Go! And then let me tell you, YES, he is that amazing!
  3. Uhaa Nation - He's big, that means he's slow, right? Wrong! He jumps, he spins, he runs, he hits. Hard!
  4. Shane Strickland - Put a small man in a match against a bullhammer like "Bad Bones" John Klinger and you'll see what he has to offer - and what he can take!
  5. "Bad Bones" John Klinger - I have to admit, I'm biased here because I had the time to spend some more time with this man than just watching him wrestle. Impressive in the ring and despite his reputation and fame still a more than correct guy.
  6. Red Rage - Party! If this guy makes it way to the ring, I dare you to stay seated! Seldom, I have witnessed a man in the ring who manages to draw in the crowd like Red Rage does!
  7. Felix Reiter - Cf. Red Rage - but the other way round. You simply love to hate him!
Personal Favourites  - In the Ring
  • Felix Reiter
  • Adrian Severe
  • Ca$h Cra$h
  • Drake Destroyer
  • Sami Zayn
  • Saša Keel
Personal Favourites - Gimmick
  • Farmer Joe
  • Damien Mizdow
  • The Ascension
Personal Favourites - Personal
  • Sigmasta Rappo
  • Drake Destroyer
  • The Hellvetic Warrior
  • "Bad Bones" John Klinger
  • Miguel Ramirez

NEW "Hoch Explosiv IV" - October 4, 2014

The event of the year is less than 4 days away by now: Hoch Explosiv IV
The event which, translated, means "Highly Explosive" can easily be called the "Wrestlemania of NEW", and of course we are also a part of it!

NEW - Hoch Explosiv IV
October 4th 2014
Erlangen/Heßdorf - Germany
Street Fight
T-K-O vs. Juvenile X (with Walandi)

#1 Contenders Match
Mike Skull vs. Demolition Davies

Singles Match
Tommy Blue Eyes vs. Eric Jaschke

Singles Match
Johann Schuster vs. Zacharias Falk
Special Guest Referee: Jessy Jade

Mask vs. Mask Match
Miguel Rodriguez vs. Cruel Agility

6 Men Tag Team Match
Boombastic, Veit Müller, & Felix Reiter vs. Red Rage, Bam, & The Insane Killer

Singles Match
Geord "Schorschi" Gwärch vs. V.I.P

Triple-Threat Match
Adrian Severe vs. Marius Al-Ani vs. Martin Casaus

NEW World Heavyweight Championship TLK Match
Tables, Ladders, Kendo Sticks
The Arabian Star vs. Mexx vs. Scotty Saxxon

No Battle Royal this time, but still not very predictable this time.

  • My heart wants T-K-O to win, but with a risk like Walandi constantly getting involved...? I see this match either ending in a no contest or in a victory for Juvenile X.
  • A second chance for Demolition Davies, but will he be able to use it? I say... no. Mike Skull will win this one!
  • Never really having Eric Jaschke actually wrestle is making predictions pretty difficult here. He's the unknown variable and unstable... So my bet is on Eric Jaschke here.
  • Who's the stalker? I don't think we'll find out about this just now. But, will Zacharias Falk be able to concentrate with the object of his desires, Jessy Jade, in the ring? Most probably not. I say that there will be no real end in this match.
  • Mask vs. Mask! The almost definite winner in this match, for me, is Miguel Ramirez! Yet, I don't think we'll see Cruel Agility lose his mask. Either he will flee the scene beforehand, or there will be a second mask underneath the mask.
  • My sympathies are definitely towards one team, the one I wish will win as well: Red Rage, Bam, & Insane Killer!
  • Is this a serious question? VIP! VIP! VIP!
  • Tricky. The odds are pretty much against anyone in this match. Yet, I will go with Stefan's prediction because it reflects my wish as well: Adrian Severe will pin Martin Casaus, thus still not having pinned Al-Ani.
  • Again, a match with an almost unpredictable outcome. Somehow though, Mexx will be the winner in this one. I don't know how, but he will retain his title.

Night Of Champions - Showstealer Sheamus vs. Cesaro

Night of Champions has never been a PPV high in my personal cards. After Summer Slam, one could almost expect certain rematches, and since all the WWE titles have to be on the line, some short-notice feuds are pushed down your throat in a desperate try to make them seem legit instead of having a long build up to the individual matches.

This year wasn't that much different, and in my personal opinion, the whole main event angle was a bad joke. I'm not saying that I hated the idea of Seth Rollins cashing in, God, I loved the idea! It would put an end to a yawningly boring match. Brock Lesnar would have been stripped off the title without the belt immediately going back to John Cena.
But no, Cena had to interrupt and steal the chance of someone who I personally would like to see with more gold than the one painted on a shabby briefcase for once!

So much for the main event, but there was one true showstealer in the show:
The United States Championship Match!

Call me biased, but yes, this had been the match I had been looking forward to in advance as well - the only match to be precise. And I wasn't disappointed.
After winning the No. #1 Contenders Match against Rob Van Dam, this relatively short-notice feud picked up with the two competitors never facing each other one-on-one in the ring. In mixed up (and muddled) 6-man tag team matches, yes, but never one on one. Instead, the bouts about the title took place with one party at commentary or simply disturbing the other with their sheer presence.
Back at Money in the Bank, Sheamus and Cesaro both had the most noteworthy bouts in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and thus the expectations and forecasts were throughout positive for this title clash. And why wouldn't they? After all, both European competitors are known for giving everything in the ring, for working amazingly well with their opponents, and for having a damn lot of fun by giving the crowd a good show.

The match may not have ended the way I would have wished, but I am still far from disappointed. A slow build up at the beginning, and a quickly picking up pace lead to the final climax that got many spectators off their seats in cheers and frantic applause. The chemistry between Cesaro and Sheamus is undeniable, and the Swiss Superman himself named Sheamus as being his top pick for a tag team partner (as seen in this Q&A video).
Thus, I am far from being surprised that this physically demanding match drew the applause and praising backstage as well - a fact that lets me hope the future push of the Swiss wrestler isn't that far in the future as many want to make me believe.

Additionally, it is said that pro-Cesaro signs have been confiscated prior Night of Champions, stating lines like "Cesaro - King of Wrestling". One one hand, sure, the WWE don't want a whole arena chanting and cheering for the heel persona. On the other hand, why taking measures they took during the times where CM Punk leaving was heating the minds of the fans? Cesaro didn't leave the company, not on good terms, not on bad terms, so why confiscate signs that unambiguously show that the crowd WANTS to support the Swiss Superman?
Predicting a Daniel Bryan-like uprising would be too much, especially at this stage, but the signs are clear and similar. Held down for reasons I can not understand (Bryan being too small, Cesaro having not enough charm) and both elevating from a Indie (and more specific ROH) background, there can surely be parallels found. Yet, if any, it's too soon to speak of a Daniel Bryan situation 2.0 - even I as a frantic fan can see it.

And yet, what are my hopes? What do I see could be done to enrich the top ranks of the WWE and make Cesaro a main event player?

  1. Give him back the Cesaro Swing!When had been the last time we saw this move after it got nearly shoved down our throats while he was part of the Real Americans? Don't overdo, but this was a move that got the crowd involved, the fans happily counting along with every round Cesaro swung his opponent.
  2. A long-lasting story line!Don't cut him of after one chance to get his hands on a title. Immediately after the Battle Royal to determine the future IC champion after Wade Barrett's injury, Cesaro was out of the title picture. Now, let him chase the US title for a while! I'm not saying "Hand the gold to him", oh no, but give him and Sheamus the feud they both deserve! Without 6-man tag team matches, but with gimmick matches, build ups, backstage segments, maybe the one or other appearance on Jericho's Highlight Reel, the Peep Show, or - dear Lord, am I really suggesting this - MizTV! Build up some nice heat between the two powerhouses until they can clash for the title again in the upcoming PPV - or even in the one afterwards!
  3. A face turn?This is something I am not quite sure about, not just yet. I think that, yes, he would work as a face, and honestly, who doesn't want to see Sheamus being heel again? But is it quite the time already? The Cesaro Swing is over, no question, and if they would have spun it a little bit more, WWE could have established The Real Americans as a face team. Jack Swagger made his turn against Rusev, and Cesaro's time could come - soon.
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